Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Green, Gray, and Cherry

The cherries were finally still tonight, despite the strong wind that blew most of today. I rode my bike to Mary's, who cuts my hair, and the swirling wind provided a headwind coming and going.

Right now, the breeze is fairly gentle, but the gray clouds are still holding their water for awhile. The cherries, meanwhile, are growing in their red juiciness and we can't reach a one. Alas.

I finished the kid part of the school year yesterday with our last excursion to the beach and then a potluck/picnic on Alki's sandy shores. I still have to report for duty the rest of the week and I can tell you, no one is happy about it. We have "assignments" once we finish our report cards, which include things like clearing our floors so the janitor can polish and wax them, load up the school ibrary for its move to another building, and yes, even scrub the toilets. After yet another break-in, it appears we've fired our janitor because he was supposedly "linked" to the robberies. Sans janitor, we must fill in though why we are moving everything off the floor for a waxing without a janitor is beyond me.

I certainly hope they don't ask me to wax the floors!

Yes, this is why they pay us the big bucks!

And we even do windows!

So everyone, including me, was in a grumpy mood today. My teaching partner and I bumped heads at the end of the day and I'm trying hard not to feel too bad about it. No one wants to be there and no one wants to be there to do the work of someone else.

Part of our list of "to dos" contains the item that just burns me -- we are to help two other teachers who are moving classrooms pack up and move! Wait a one EVER helped me move in 20 years of teaching!

Not to sound bitter, but it's rather irritating to be called in to schlep boxes when we're SUPPOSED TO BE ON VACATION!

I shall try not to be so grumpy tomorrow. I shall try to meditate on the cherries for awhile. I shall try to be helpful and positive (my mantra), I shall try to be helpful and positive, I shall try.


Clear Creek Girl said...

It's always good to be helpful ... big points at the Pearly Gates ... but it's healthy to accompany said helpfulness with remarks on the irony of it all.

RJ March said...

Those trees are beautiful.

Clear Creek Girl said...

The thought of "goodby/good job" gifts makes my little heart go pitty pat.

Sometimes, though, I do get an object-gift from a client - hand knitted mittens one year and slippers another...a book....earrings...a glass heart...a stone heart (hmmmm).... but the biggest gifts of all are clients who want to change, to take charge of their lives and make them better. Add a lively lingo to that, and I'm in heaven. Oh! And I've received: tarts, pastries flown in from New York, bagels flown in from New York, fudge, cookies, candy, homemade jams and jelly. BUT. I AM HAPPY TO SAY THAT I HAVE NEVER RECEIVED A SCENTED CANDLE. of course, now you know what my Next Gift will be.........