Wednesday, February 21, 2007


This is to RJ (and anyone else who may be worried about my blogging silence)...I am here, I am well, but I appear not to be on your (RJ) "approved" comments list for I can't seem to sign in even with the correct word verification. So I shall write here what I've attempted to write on your blog three times.

First attempt: I am well, just busy with vacation and blank in the word department, but my fingers are getting itchy so I will post soon. The news on the homefront is that we've put money down on a puppy (soon to be born) that we shall bring home (if the gods are with us) in early May. We chose a hyp0-allergenic breed though it's not so much a breed as a mixed "designer" dog -- a labradoodle. After reading your latest post, I was thinking we may have to call him or her Cissi or perhaps Sissy, but Ann prefers Nellie!

Just kidding.

Actually, since the dog is a designed mutt we've jokingly chosen names like "quasi" and "seque" and my personal favorite, "pseudo" but those will depend on the dogs "dog"anality I think.

Anyway, I am well and thanks for thinking of me from so far away!

Second attempt: How is living in the second largest state in the Union?

Third attempt: This must be the charm!

1 comment:

RJ March said...

I've done away with that stupid comment moderation thing-- and am warmed to my toes to have an entry almost totally devoted to ME.
