Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas 2008

Niece Lindsey and Nephew Nathan...oh, and lounging Hope snuggled into her favorite position

It was an interesting Christmas this year...not "interesting" as weird or uncomfortable, but interesting as in timing and journey. We traveled on the day after Christmas due to the abundance of snow and ice on the road and still felt a bit nervous about the conditions even though we were a day late. Lucky for us, the journey was only eventful at the arrival of my parents' home where the slush and ice provided for a squirmy ride and the last hill by my brother's house, 5 hours away, meant ignoring a stop sign and barreling through over a pile of snow and ice. But Christmas proceeded as usual with stockings unstuffed and food stuffed in our faces.
Did I mention how much Hope likes to lounge? Nathan, too.

After we opened presents we entertained ourselves. Rubin demonstrated how simple it is to jump over my brother who conveniently displayed his ass for the camera.

Sister-in-law Patti, on the other hand, got other games to entertain us all and my mother, a youthful 81, kicked all our asses in bowling!

Grandpa and Grandma were a hit in many ways, but mostly because of the ENORMOUS stocking they presented the to the dogs. Rubin was more than happy to grab a tasty gift if he could get his cousin Ringo out of the way.Ann tried to calm the mighty beasts, though Ringo was hard to rein in. He wanted nothing more than to play tug of war with Rubin while Hope was looking for a place to lounge.

Don't let this picture fool you. Ringo's a devil he is and only on occasion would we find him relaxing from the strenuous behavior of irritating everyone.

Regardless, the snow all melted and we arrived back home safely though tired from the journey, the food, and most definitely, the fun.

More holiday photos can be found on Rubinations...

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