Thursday, June 19, 2008


My system is in flux. I have a cold that has moved from a very sore throat to stuffed and clogged sinuses. I can't believe how much comes out when I blow my nose. Too much information? Yes, well, aside from the gross factor, the body is pretty phenomenal.

I figure I'm just purging, getting rid of 22 years of teaching. Last night, in a drugged stupor of NightQuil and cough syrup, I dreamt about stacks of papers I needed to grade. I thought all this school stuff would be gone, but it's still rattling around in my head. My only hope is that I can blow it out with the accumulating snot over the next few days.

Meanwhile, Lucy the Boston/Rat Terrier mix arrived -- a buzz of activity -- having only settled down once when we went to bed last night. Then she burrowed her way under our legs and arms and behind our butts trying to find the warmest nook or cranny for her rest. She and Rubin have been spinning like dervishes through the house, around the yard playing keep away and tug-o-war. Ann is off cleaning up her classroom after finishing up with her school obligations yesterday.

And I am left blowing my nose.

My teaching partner (I guess she's a former teaching partner now) called this morning and said, "Remember how you always taught the girls that a good novel or film always ended the way it started? Well, I guess you're ending your career the way you started."

So true. My first year of teaching was one cold after another. It makes sense that I'd mark this transition with a whopper!

Okay, off to go lie on the couch, blow my nose, watch bad TV and work on getting well. This weekend is jam-packed with the big 80th birthday celebration for my parents. Yikes. I've got to be on my toes for this one (as opposed to being on my nose!).

1 comment:

RJ March said...

I love it that you have a Lucy-- for a while-- and that your cold is a metaphor. I agree with you on that one, big time.