Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Me and Neti

I have been sick (again) for about 3 weeks. I went to the doctor today who diagnosed clear lungs, clear ears, and a lot of "post nasal drip." Duh. This is why I'm coughing, I suppose and this is why I have trouble sleeping at night. This is perhaps why I am exhausted.

The doctor prescribed two courses of action -- a prescription for antibiotics BUT ONLY AFTER I clear my passage ways with Afrin and the Neti Pot treatment for three days. If that doesn't work, then use the prescription.

My brother gave me a Neti Pot last Christmas as a way of helping with my allergies. I have been afraid to use it until recently and then, once I mustered up the courage, was frustrated that NOTHING came from it. When I mean nothing, I mean nothing flowed out. Instead, the saline solution that conveniently comes with the Neti (slang for Neti Pot), backed up in my nostrils and felt similar to those times when I've gotten salt water up my nose while swimming in the Sound.


"I've tried the Neti," I told the doctor, "But nothing comes out."

"Nothing?" She seemed surprised by that then told me to try Afrin nasal spray first. "Be careful, though," she advised. "Don't use it for more than three days. It's a saint and a demon."

Turns out, she'd never prescribed both together before. Her hope is that the Afrin will clear the way for the Neti and frequent saline flushing will clear up my apparently clogged sinuses.

Too much information?

Yes, it is what I thought as well and is precisely why I've struggled using the Neti Pot in the first place.

"God," said my neighbor, "It's one of the greatest feelings in the world when you get the flow going!" She uses the Neti on a daily basis. "The flush is amazing!"

I can think of things that feel much better, can't you?

So this morning, after seeing the doctor and paying for the Afrin, I headed up to the bathroom, squirted my nose with the WOW of the Afrin and then prepared to flush my sinuses with the Neti Pot.

At first, I gagged. The saline solution went straight down my throat and never made it to my sinuses. I tilted my head and what do you know, a small stream at first and then, whoosh a steady flow.

Did it feel wonderful? No, not in the least, but I did feel successful in that I finally got the water to flow, trying NOT to picture exactly what it was flowing through or around. Do I feel better? At first, no, but now I'm a bit less congested though still incredibly tired and worn out.

I've tried napping, but am still coughing from the drip drip drip of my nasal congestion. And the neighbors next door are working on their deck, the contractors are pounding away on the house behind us, and now Ann has filled the kid's pool with water and Rubin and his friend Monty are racing and chasing and barking in the backyard.

Another treatment tonight might be just the thing, but I have contemplated getting the antibiotics and using them as well. "Research has shown that Neti Pots work better on sinus infections than antibiotics," the doctor told me, but I am so in search of instant relief I'm willing to try them both.

"Be patient," Ann tells me, "Just relax." But relaxing is not my specialty. I like to feel 100% and right now I'm creeping up to 50%. Thank god the Olympics are on. At least I'm not forced to watch soap operas and endless episodes of Top Chef or Law and Order. And thankfully I don't work until Thursday afternoon. I hope I feel better by then.

For now I'll go watch the crazy dogs at poolside. A little laughter may be just the ticket. That and lots more water (I've had at least a gallon so far) and more flushing for me and Neti.

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