Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Oh My!

I have yet to cure my news addiction. I still scan the internet news sources every morning and a few times a day keeping myself abreast (so I think) of the current national and international goings-on (or is that going-ons?). I am thrilled with the recent election of Barack Obama for many, many reasons, but I will admit that one of those reasons is that we will have, for the first time in a long time, a beautiful and brilliant First Lady. Can I think of another First Lady as beautiful and brilliant? Perhaps Jackie O. though I found her more beautiful than brilliant -- too mousy at first although later she became more outspoken and eloquent. Roslyn Carter, though not my type, is brilliant, I think, and kind, very, very kind which is also a rarity in the White House spouse department. Ladybird Johnson loved birds and flowers so she had a certain asethetic I found appealing. And you gotta hand it to Betty Ford -- she was resilient and outspoken in a way Nancy Reagan could never pull off.

But Michelle Obama, she's articulate, thoughtful, kind, and dare I say, gorgeous.So wasn't I surprised, while scanning the Huffington Post to see this photo:

Yes, that's Condi Rice...THE Condi Rice accepting an award from Glamour Magazine. Not sure if she has a new haircut or if she's just pulled back that June Cleaver bob, but she's definitely got on a new dress (throwing out, I hope, that equally June Cleaverish get up she's always wearing) and I think Ms. Secretary of State has been to a few Madonna workouts -- holy moley, look at those arms!

She still scares the hell out of me, but after hearing her impromtu speech congratulating Obama on his victory and declaring her pride in his achievements, there was a moment of not so scary humaness about her. "She's seen a lot," a friend told me. "Her parents were very involved in the Civil Rights Movement."

That may be, but she has acted more as a puppet than an independent thinker and brilliant though she may be, she has subdued her brilliance under the shadow of a bush (and a Bush). Perhaps now, with Obama as president, and his equally savvy wife as First Lady, Condi will come into her own, taking on a whole new look, and attitude to go with it, highlighting her humanity and not her scariness.

Oh what the next four years may do for the likes of Condi Rice and the whole of America!

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