Sunday, March 01, 2009

Pouting Rain

We'd planned on skiing today, but woke to heavy rain. The mountain pass report is no better and now we must regroup and figure out something else. I am disappointed. Not much skiing this year and I was hoping for one last ski before the spring weather.

Our weather has been a mix of rain, snow, sun, and wind this week. As a dog walker, I live in it all. Last week I went through three sets of rain gear, rotating through it by hanging the wet stuff in the downstairs bathroom, donning the dry stuff, and then hanging the second set of wet stuff alongside the first and wearing a third set I dug out of a plastic tub in the basement. The next day, sun and I walked most of the day without a coat and at one point in a t-shirt. That day was followed by snow and I pulled out long underwear and a warm hat. There was no dressing against the wind, but I walked through that as well.

I shouldn't have been surprised by rain this morning. I read all the forecasts, but I convinced myself that rain down here meant snow up in the mountains. I was wrong. The snow level is at 6000 feet and we ski at 3000. That would mean skiing in the rain. Not fun. Even the traffic cams mounted at the pass make the day look uninviting.

So now I must figure out what to do instead.

What an interesting proposition. As a teacher, I never was without something to do -- grade papers, plan lessons, contact parents -- though I did everything I could to put it off until the last minute (usually Sunday night when I tantrumed my way through it all). Just because I'm not teaching doesn't mean there aren't things I can do. There are bills to pay, there's a piece I'm working on that needs yet another rewrite, there are papers on the desk that need to be filed and there are dishes to do and laundry to fold. And I must get all my tax papers together. How's that for exciting?

None of it feels pressing and perhaps that is my disappointment niggling me into a kind of pout today. I really wanted to ski, but now I must turn to other choices none of which seem as appealing.

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