Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Can't See the Stars

I can't see the stars tonight -- way too many clouds along with wind and rain. But if I could, I think they'd be out of whack. Here's why:

Friends' house got broken into and ransacked today.

Rubin's friend Monty is feeling crummy and has the squirts.

The doctor finally put me on blood pressure medication...it makes me feel old.

Everyone unexpectedly converged here for dinner throwing off the night I needed to organize the last of my taxes (they're done I just need to tie up loose ends and WRITE THE CHECK TO THE IRS...who me, yelling?)...and go over the edits for my Caylx piece.

But there's always tomorrow.

Ann's at a school event, though I'm hoping she comes home soon. Rubin is under the desk grumpy with me because I cleaned his ears.

I need a bath.

I need something sweet.

Things feel a bit disorganized.

So I'm trying to remember the words of one of my students last week who, during her parent-teacher conference, said, "I think I'm doing well in class because I'm using my time affectionately."

I need some of that wisdom right now.

Wish I could at least see the stars.

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