Tuesday, August 05, 2008


I woke this morning covered in sweat. Not a pretty picture. I rolled over and said, "Damn, it's muggy."

Ann laughed. She always laughs at me when it comes to the weather, but this morning she laughed a bit more emphatically. This morning she flew out to Madison, Wisconsin to visit her family. We checked the weather report. At 10:30 in the morning it was 85 degrees with 89% humidity in Madison.

"Damn, that's muggy," Ann smirked as we looked at the weather for the week ahead.

So, she is gone and we are here (the dog and I) enduring the warm temperatures and the muggy, muggy weather. Yes, in my opinion it's muggy and the news even agrees that it's "thick" air. That's what the reporter said this morning, "thick air" with an advisory for those with breathing problems.

I have a sweating problem.

I just received a phone call offering me the position at REI. Ann is not here to celebrate with me, so I did a small dance with the dog though not too exuberantly because we are both too hot for such enthusiasm.

I am headed to REI shortly to fill out paperwork. I should ride my bike. I brought it upstairs from the cool basement, but the thought of riding downtown in this heat and humidity makes my pores open in anticipation. "Hi, you just hired me, but you may reverse that decision after you see how profusely I sweat on muggy days such as this."

How inappropriate would it be to drive the car?

Oh, to hell with it. I shall drive and save the sweating embarrassment for later.

Ann should be landing in Minneapolis soon. Then onto Madison. Rubin is wandering the house in search of her, though he knows she got out of the car and never got back in. I shall take him swimming later, perhaps with his friend, Monty. And if it's not too crowded, I shall submerge myself as well.

So glad I don't live where the weather is like this all summer long. I'd be miserable...

...and sweaty!

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