We've received many wonderful cards and emails from family, friends, and even our students and their families. My favorte is a loving message from a very sweet young girl in my class who gave me a card that reads (on the front): "Going through a rough time? Look on the bright side. Remember every cloud has a silver lining, put on a happy face, and if that doesn't work...
(inside of card)
1. Carefully cut out the smiley face below
2. Rip it into a thousand tiny pieces
3. Flush it down the toilet!
There! Don't you feel a little better now?"
This is only topped by her hand-written message. "I am so sorry Chester pasted away."
Yes, pasted...I like the image of Chester pasted somewhere in the spirit world!
So, he has been integrated into the Big Collage? Three cheers! Expiring is hard cheese ... but being pasted into the Big Picture? ... that's going firt class with free drinks.
Hhmmmm? (After further consideration & thought) Methinks 'first' has an 's' in it.
"Pasted away"
I hope, when I go,
I go that way too.
"The big collage"-- excellent, that, and comforting to imagine. It's nice to think of us all pasted together in some cosmic collective.
You all are great over there on the other side of America.
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