Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Our wish -- A day late

We have snow.

Well, we actually have some snow and a lot of ice.

No school. Yippee!

Unfortunately, not enough snow to play in and just enough ice to break my back, but still...

...a day off...ahhhhh!

Wide shot of the house, the icy street, and Jeanne's SUV. Jeanne and Lisa are living with us and it's been fun. Their cat is here, too. Still a bit of a snit, but we're making progress every day. Xena, the Warrior Cat, ventured out into the snow today. She shook each paw after each step, attempting to shake away the cold and ice. No luck.

We're all happy today as we all have the day off. Well, Jeanne took the day off as the roads are treacherous. As a hospital administrator, she can't exactly watch the news for the message we all love -- "School Closed" -- There is no message, in fact, that says -- "Hospital Closed" -- so she checked in to make sure the day shift had arrived and that all was well.

All is well. Especially now that we are all home and safe, enjoying the cold snap of November.

We're heading up the street to pick up Lulu, the dog we borrow from time to time, and then venturing around the neighborhood on a nice jaunt. We'll see how it goes. Not much warmer than freezing right now, so I'm not sure how slick the sidewalks will be. Still, it's fun to be out in the middle of the day, in the cold when we're supposed to be at school.


1 comment:

RJ March said...

great looking house-- you should be so proud.