At first we thought it was snowing, but upon further inspection, we realized it was hail.
March 31 and the temperature was still in the 30s early in the morning. April 1, we woke to fog and 36 degrees, but then the fog moved away to reveal beautiful sunshine and blue skies. Good thing. A very good thing.
Today begins the end of our landscaping. Madeline, the landscaper, is here with her crew rototilling all around the yard, digging holes for the multitude of plants purchased to fill in the blank spaces.
Ann's busy helping them and I'm on doggie watch as Rubin would LOVE nothing more than to get out there and help dig. Instead, we're inside making brownies for the crew and painting the main floor doors that have needed a coat of trim color since we remodeled over 2 years ago.
Chores. Lots and lots of chores. I guess this is what spring cleaning is all about. Sprucing up the dingy and revitalizing the old. The sun does much the same thing to me. I'm feeling spruced and revitalized a bit. Perhaps that's due to spring break, but mostly it's because of the sunshine. And the accompanying warmth.
I have a few more doors to paint, but the stack of paid bills/receipts keeps calling to me -- file me, file me. But what a daunting job. It's like the thread of a sweater -- once pulled, things tend to unravel before they repair themselves.
So, I shall attack the door and hope Rubin keeps his tail out of the way.
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