Sunday, September 13, 2009


"Dear Dog, she bought a new camera!"

The way things turned out -- my camera wouldn't work. Tried to fix it, but no luck. So, I decided to buy a new camera. In the course of buying a new one, I also bought a new battery for the old one and what do you know? The old camera now works AND I also have a new camera.

It's okay. Now that have my own (nice) camera, I won't hog the camera and Ann can use it more.

Lucky me.

I played with the camera and the settings yesterday and this morning. Here's what I'm learning...

This photo is on "fine" image. Later I turned to "standard" to see a difference. I like how the camera picked up the morning light as Rubin does his morning stretches.

Again, the light is defined really well and it captures the details of Quillette's whiskers on the left side (right in the photo) of her face.
This is a pot on our deck. I had on the telephoto lens. I think it would have done better with the standard lens, but still, lots of nice detail and pretty realistic with the colors.
I really get the feeling of morning in this photo, maybe because Ann's in her pajamas, but the eastern light highlights everything very well and I'm impressed that the camera picks that up.
We went for a walk up over the hill and I took this photo of the I-90 bridge or the floating bridges even though Quillette was pulling at the leash. This is NOT a "fine" setting, but rather "standard." Still, it picked up what it looked like with my eyes and did a nice job capturing even the details of the shade in which we were standing.
Coleman Pea Patch is the climb back up over the hill. Lots of shades of green. Can you see it?
Telephoto lens again. I like how the dahlias stand out against the green background.
Ann wanted to play, too so she fiddled with a few photos. This one turned out the best. I'm not darkened by the light over my head. Nice.
We stopped at the bakery at the top of the hill for some delicious bread pudding (the baker only makes it on weekends) and ran into an old border collie named Chance. Even the peeling paint on the door behind him is pretty vivid.

I think I'm going to really like this camera. Tomorrow will be the true test since I'll be taking photos of my students on a ropes course in the foggy morning (or so it's predicted) and then of my dog clients in the sunny (or so it's predicted) afternoon. And I get to test the action setting. Should be fun!

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