Saturday, October 03, 2009

My Mother's Daughter

My parents are both excellent cooks or perhaps the proper term these days, with all the cooking shows on, is chefs. My mother, in particular, spends the majority of her life in the kitchen. The rest of her time is spent campaigning for Democrats. While I admire her for both endeavors, I seem to have inherited more of her cooking side than her political side. Let's just say that politics gives me a stomach ache while cooking lowers my blood pressure.

So today, after a long, long week of teaching and dog walking, I needed to make something. I needed to relax and the best way I know of relaxing is to cook.

See, I am my mother's daughter.

It started with the desire to make these power bars that our friend Jessica once made for us when we went camping in Twisp (yes, there is a town named Twisp and the of the best in the world in my humble called the Cinnamon Twisp). These power bars were so natural, so organic I was certain that would grow roots out of my feet, fertilized by brown rice syrup, organic puffed rice, and steel cut oats.

Then Jessica left for India and I never got the recipe. Well, she's back now and today we made power bars complete with candied ginger, organic almonds and pecans, and yes, the infamous candied ginger.

As far as cooking goes, the power bars were beyond easy, so before Jessica arrived, I started to make chicken soup and prep for basil cream chicken pot pie. By the time Jessica arrived, I'd used every pan we own so we had to wash the dishes before we could melt the candied ginger with the brown rice syrup.

Now we're waiting for the basil cream chicken pot pie to finish in the oven complete with homemade biscuits on top. I've tried to help out by doing all the dishes, but let's just say, it's been a whirlwind in the kitchen. My mother would be (and probably is) proud.

Tomorrow there's a lot to do. Papers to grade, lessons to plan, billing to organize, dog walks to schedule along with cleaning the house and doing the weekly shopping. But I gave myself today -- no obligations, no commitments -- just an apron, a dirty pan, and some melted candied ginger!

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