Thursday, February 23, 2006

"A thrilling match...

..down at the curling arena..."

Now that, my friends, is an oxymoron!

I'm in the study typing away and what do I hear?

Chester sounding like a Wooky from Star Wars, begging Ann to drop, please oh please oh please, some grilled eggplant. Grilled Eggplant? He doesn't even like grilled eggplant!

Women on the TV sounding orgasmic as they hoot and groan and moan and holler and yell in foreign tongues...

...curling again!

And then there's hail on the roof and against the windows and the sound of Ann clipping her nails and the sound of our tax returns delivered today from our accountant who got us just enough money back to pay for the appliances we had to buy yesterday...

and there's this ticking clock in the background that I apparently sleep through though I can't imagine that it's ever worked before today because it's so damn loud and I'm such a light sleeper...

...and now the smultzy music for some Italian skater who DICK Button will slam in his covert war of words...

...and the Canadians still upset by their Dream Team failure in hockey...

And finally, the sounds of Chester's toenails clicking against the kitchen floor and his tongue lapping the place where the grilled eggplant "accidently" fell...

...the eggplant on the floor was cleaned up and yet...he is still licking and licking and licking...

and I am crazed with the use of ellipses...

... is that how you spell this...?

I love the sound of the keyboard thinking...taptaptaptaptaptap...

1 comment:

Clear Creek Girl said...

I love curling! Always did like shuffleboard types of games.
And Darth Scavenger dogs are good too.....