Thunder woke me this morning at 2:33. I waited for Chester to clammor up on the bed frighten and confused, but he didn't move. I could hear him snoring softly on his bed in the hallway. Ann was snoring, too.
At first, I thought the loud rumble was a car accident of some sort -- two loud and jolting drum rolls rattled the house and my brain. But I waited, listening to everyone sleep and watched for a flash or two of lightning.
And then, just as I was falling back to sleep, Chester shook his head and I heard his ears give a muffled flap flap flap.
I got up.
He got up.
And we both went outside.
It wasn't thunder that woke me. It was the sound of two street gods battling for turf using dumpsters as shields. The gods' dumpsters were filled with snow and it was pouring down on us, dusting the night with flakes of light.
I smiled.
Chester smiled.
And we stood out in the backyard looking up. White crystals caught on our eyelids.
And the gods put down their weapons and there was peace.
Snow? Last night? Really? All we had here was a little bit of frost.
TGIF ... once we get thru lunch, two school buses, and after school snacks, Al and I can call it quits for the week.
All the left-wing radicals have gone away. SO have the real Democrats. SO have the real women. Why idn't the whole country experiencing a revolution? Why aren't we marching and screaming about the whole damn mess - - S. Dakota's decision, the racism (I believe this to be true) that Katrina has exposed, the fact that Bush doesn't keep in touch AT ALL with his country and apparently doeesn't give a flying flook about its citizens, the whole terrible cardboard-but-still-mighty dangerous parade of slams and insults and deprivations that are occuring.
And then, today, in the SPorts section, there was an article about how our American teams should be ashamed because they have won so little gold. Jesus H.! WHO DO WE THINK WE ARE? Sounds to me like we have become, in so many aspects, like pre-war Germany - with our "homeland" language and our "US, the Great WE" mentality. Ugh. It makes me sick.
I love ANn's remark - "No, but it now says KILL ME, I"M QUEER"....
Hey! Bush! We're ALL Queer! Whatcha gonna do about THAT, asshole?
Ah, yes...there is a good leftist radical rant if I've ever heard one!
These are the reasons I watch Canadian coverage of the Olympics: A young woman won a cross country skiing competition that was short, fast, and an amazing exertion of energy, all the time, the whole damn race. She was Canadian and the broadcaster, who by any other standards is bland and boring (but at least real) interviewed this young woman (I wish I could remember her name) who bubbled and bounced and cracked jokes and thanked everybody (and I mean EVERYBODY) who'd helped her along the way and then ended by saying, "I just hope I can be as much of an inspiration to young Canadians as Becky Scott has(another famous Canadian skier)!"
I know Canada has its own set of problems, but by-cracky, this skier didn't have one single sense of entitlement like the Americans always seem to exude.
And then, when the Canadian men won the Curling gold medal, the broadcasters spent like a half hour with the whole gang talking not just about curling, but about their families and the rink where they practiced and how the folks back home were so proud and so honored to have these guys represent Canada.
If the Canadians hadn't just elected a conservative prime minister, I just might of thought about moving there (where we could legally marry), just so I could actually feel proud to wave my country's flag (the good old maple leaf).
As it is, I still can't stand for the flag salute or national anthem.
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