Saturday, March 04, 2006

A little brain power

Found a way to post Chester/Dash's pictures...just required a bit of READING THE INSTRUCTIONS (and I call myself a teacher!)...

The top picture is of the Dashboard wonder begging from beneath the Thanksgiving table at Fossilguy and Bookworm's house..."Any scrap will do!"

And to the side, the cute boy lying on the couch at our housesitting gig...don't worry, the people who own the house said it was okay to do so, IF the blue sheet was on the couch...which you can see it is!

More later, now that I've figured this picture thing out!


Clear Creek Girl said...

Ah, you've figured it out on your own.
I usually re-size the copies I post to something in the neighborhood of 600 to 750 height so that it falls into the 80KB to 150KB range ... largely because my yaFro site requires they be less than 200KB - so it's habit ... and because, with our slow, old phone modem, I don't want to sit around forever waiting for the buggers to download.
You can move the pics about within the text because when you click on them (in the original composition, or in the 'edit' mode reachable from the dashboard) they become 'live' and you can drag them around (up and down).
Go to the dashboard and click on your site's name ... which brings up a list of your recent posts ... and to the left of the post title, click on the 'edit' box ... and this returns you to your original composition page where you can dink around with it, make corrections, shift photos, add photos, etc.

Triple Dog said...'s nice to get some tutorials aside from the written instructions!

Hey, there's sun on this side of the pond!