Monday, July 10, 2006

Oh to be Lucky!

Lucky, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (long name for such a small dog) has met some of our other canine friends. This is Lucky with our dear doggie pal, Ben, an enormous and beautiful long-haired German Shepard who was the sweetest gentleman to the nervous spaniel.

Lucky has made herself quite at home, lounging in the sun and sleeping on one of Chester's old dog beds, a flea on a cloud.

While it's nice to have a dog in the house, we know we are still in grief over our beloved Chester. No one can replace him and until we are over feeling like no other dog can compare, we will spend our time dog sitting just to get our canine fixes -- soft kisses, doggie dreams (woof woof), and the sound of doggie paws on the new wood floors (don't worry, no scratches!).

Time. The medicine of the sad.

But Lucky is great fun and watching her with Ben (and then with the neighbor's dog, soon) has made us laugh and remember Mr. Pajama Pants with great fondness (aka, Chester).

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