Friday, May 12, 2006

Third house, third dog

Tonight we are dog sitting for our friends, Melinda and Elizabeth (and their two kids, Meda and Aden). Their dog is a lively, wiry English Springer, full of energy and obsession. She is fine in the house -- calm and relaxed -- but once on a leash, she becomes fixated on the possibility of a bird or small animal crossing her path. The family is off for a family reunion in Port Townsend and they asked us to watch Josie for the weekend.

So, we packed an overnight bag and shipped out for tonight. We could have continued to stay with Josie at the mansion by the lake, but the gift of this house is their king sized bed. Normally, I am not a fan of king sized anything, but after sleeping in a double bed for the past 7 months, I am so ready to claim my own space in something larger. When Elizabeth told me they had a king sized bed I jumped for joy. We decided we would splurge and spend tonight in the larger bed! Now, when I want to cuddle with Ann, I have to search for her. Now, when Ann starts snoring because her allergies are acting up, she can saw away on her side of the bed. Now, when I want to stretch out sideways on the bed, I can point my head north and my legs to the southwest.




At least for one night.

Then back to the mansion with Josie in tow as she will help in my quest to teach Ben, the German shepard, how to feel more comfortable around other dogs. Josie is oblivious to other dogs. Solely focused on birds, when other dogs approach she stands at attention and lets them sniff her. Only after she has deemed the horizon clear of feathered friends will she take a split second to sneak a sniff at her canine visitor. I think this will be good for Ben who sees every other dog as either his bully or his victim.

Third house and now our third dog...

The end of our vagabond life is in sight, though. The house remodel is nearly finished. We can move our bedroom stuff up to the master bedroom this weekend. Now we wait for the inspection and then we can move back in even though our builder has some finishing touches to the outside house painting. Of course, we'll still be living out of boxes as this is the busiest time of the year for teachers and we'll not have a moment's breath to move all of our crap from the basement to the house until the middle of June.

But even that, the middle of June, is fast approaching. Whew.

Another friendship crisis at school today. That makes 11 in 2 months. We only have 22 students and 11 of them are struggling with their friends. Approval ratings are dipping slightly...we're all growing tired of each other.

And I grow tired tonight as well...good night, good night!


Clear Creek Girl said...

It's a pity you didn't work a tent and a couple camels into your odyssey ... might have been your last chance to do that.

Clear Creek Girl said...

Wow. ANd yet, it must be so exhausting. Fossilguy and I have a King Bed and we love it. We adore it. We worship at its bedboard. It is the poor-middle-class person's idea of total luxury. People without Kingsize don't know what they are missing - - which is mainly their mate. It's hard to find your loved one when you are all stretched out and STILL can't truly detect the whereabouts of the Other.
I just finished reading a book by Augustin Burroughs - he devoted a chapter - a hilarious chapter - to two dogs, called Bently and Cowcow. I laughed out loud five times.
Dr. Bookworm

Brown Shoes said...

Dear travelling dog whisperees - I admire your stamina, and I'm glad you're enjoying your stay with the king (sized bed, that is), but I hope you can settle back into your own home soon.

sincerely -

(Born to Stay home)