Saturday, December 20, 2008

Throwing My Shoes

I'm going to put this out there in hopes someone has more technical ability than I possess. I'm sure someone somewhere is putting this together, but I want to go on record as sharing this idea early on.

Someone needs to create an electronic shoe that can be thrown at George W. Bush. We should inundate the White House during his last days to really let him know how awful he's been. You could buy an electronic shoe and donate the money to one of your favorite anti-Bush charities like Amnesty International or the VA or the UAW or hell, even your favorite public school. I know people are placing shoes outside the White House, but that's too easy to ignore. There needs to be millions of shoes clogging up the White House emails. Millions.

And while we're at it, shoes need to be laid at the dais of President elect Obama during his inauguration in response to the selection of Rick Warren's invocation. No need to throw them, just silently spread them out, thousands, millions of them in a protest against bigotry. Works for me.

I'm not nearly as incensed as my friends about Rick Warren. I understand the idea of being inclusive -- pulling in those with whom we disagree -- but I also feel for all those people (like myself) who supported this campaign in hopes that we could chip away at all bigotry, not just some of it. Besides, chipping away at some of it does not work. Even a chunk of bigotry in the world is ugly.

I keep hoping that maybe MAYBE Rick Warren will have the courage to just step aside and say, "Hey, I don't represent all Americans so choose someone else, Mr. President," but if there is one thing I've learned this life is that politicians and public figures are arrogant and really good at faking sensitivity. While I was hoping Obama was different, I don't think he is and though I still have high hopes for his presidency, my hopes have been knocked down a peg or two.

I'm a pacifist, so I'd never throw a shoe, but give me a chance to place one in front of the president, past and future, and I would do it in a minute if need be.

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