Monday, June 12, 2006

The Last Monday

There's a hint of rain in the air today. Slate gray clouds move slowly to the east. The crows are quiet and so is the wind. From our new bedroom we can't see much but sky and the top of our cherry tree where the cherries are reddening and the birds and squirrels are feasting. If we had a long rake or hook, we could grab a branch and feast ourselves. By the time the cherries are ripe enough for human consumption though, they'll all be eaten by one critter or another. I love watching the squirrels hang upside-down, their tails wrapped on a thread of a branch, their little noses and hands working away at a cherry bouncing up and down with the weight of the critter.

Today is my last Monday of teaching. I am so ready for it. I'm tired. Slept like the dead this weekend. Rain will do us good. Wet down the excitement of summer vacation. The girls will be less likely to act like fools.

And so will I.

1 comment:

Clear Creek Girl said...

Allie's school is over next week about Tuesday. This morning he has a 'Beach Day' field trip from 10:00 till 2:30 ... I'll go along for the early part of it and catch a few pictures for his 'memory book' (Vol. III). And to put in an appearance because he likes to introduce me to his friends. Hope the rain holds off till mid-afternoon.