Monday, January 30, 2006

And more rain...

The problem with this much rain is that you begin to feel as if you ARE rain. Even for a long-time resident of the Pacific Northwest this rain is too, too much. That's what helped me hold on for so long -- rain like the bejeezuz then sunshine or at least light greyness. Change in weather, that's what I like. Mix it up a bit more dramatically. But now the light greyness or even the bit of sun we do get (like yesterday) is taunting since it is always followed by (at least this year) more and more rain -- steady and driving.

I met a friend of mine on the bus the other day. I asked how she was surviving the rain. She said, "Oh, I love the rain."

She is not from here. She is from California. Of course she loves the rain.

So I asked, "Did you ever get tired of the sunshine in California?"

She said, "Yes, that's why I moved here. I couldn't stand the same weather day in and day out."

Go figure. To me it feels like the same weather day in and day out. Only this weather ain't sunshine or blue skies.

It's rain.

And more rain.

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