Sunday, January 15, 2006

Not raining now

We've had 27 days of rain and there's no end in sight.

I've lived here in the Northwest all my life (just about) and rarely does the rain get to me. In fact, when there is too much warm weather and sun I miss for the rain.

No longer.

I'm ready for something warm. Something dry. Something like a sun to appear in the sky so I can turn my face to it and sigh.

But no sun. Just gray.

No rain, either, and for that I should be grateful, but it's hard when more rain is predicted for this afternoon and for tomorrow and a week of tomorrow's after that.

Being more grateful was one of my New Year's Resolutions. They say the average length a person sticks to a resolution is about 7 days. When those 7 days are part of 27 straight days of rain, I can see why it's hard stick to anything.

Exercise for one. I have no desire to walk, cycle, or run in weather like this. I just want to sit by the fire, read, and eat. I want to eat warm things. Hot things. Like good Mexican hot chocolate. Or soup. Or freshly baked bread. Or cinnamon rolls.

I want mashed potatoes all the time.

With butter. Melted in a pool.

Rain is death to resolutions.

And the dog looks at me like, "'s not raining now...let's go out" with the wag, wag, wag he always does when we haven't risen from our Sunday slumber.

So, I'll go out and walk the dog through the park ...

...and hope it doesn't rain.

Fat chance.

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